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Bridge to the New Earth
A few years ago I found out that I, along with many others now on Earth, am sort of a bridge builder for the New Earth. Every birth is intense, where you first have to go through a canal... It also requires a lot of preparation to be able to give the new birth a good bed. This is about a collective shift towards a wider consciousness. The old comes into question, which can also cause chaos and confusion.
As founder of Tempelbron, center for awareness and transformation, I guide people in their inner processes to be able to Live their Authentic True Self more and more. Giving multidimensional healings originated from an intense inner growth process. nothing makes me happier than that we together our immense origins and beings quietly remembered. What a gift to be on the road together.
Besides giving sessions, I like to give workshops. Temple healing, song and dance feel like soul gifts.
Music and sound can bring healing frequencies and support transition and transformation/transmutation. The harp, originally also associated with temple music and the angelic spheres, gives such a precious interplay. I also play instruments such as the guitar, shamandrum, flute, etc. Composing songs and giving (mantra) concerts feels like a natural thing in my life. a life
Together with Sandip Bhattacharya, I play in Ashvins, where we perform devotional music. More information about the music, see button:
Buvana continues; "The common thread of my life"
Born and raised in the Netherlands and raised in a musical family, my soul was naturally drawn to the poetic and spiritual side of life quite quickly. As a highly sensitive being I could not easily find my way in the world.
My encounter with various spiritual masters have played an important role and have had a great impact on my life and still do. A feeling of loneliness slowly gave way to deep joy and love. I also got many inner experiences, with the spiritual world.
All this certainly did not go without suffering and trials, and challenges that came my way. This put me right deeper and deeper into life and the fact that even suffering ultimately has a deep reason.
An experience that really everything takes place in a Divine perfection. Such immense love is occupied with us, so that we gradually come to the realization of who we are. Here there are no words for...
T he different experiences and educational paths that I have gone through are like pearls, which going together more and more fall into a chain and become useful to be of service to others as support in their path of liberation and development. A path that can go on and on and deepen and widen...also precisely through our life experiences.
Nothing makes me happier than to see other people blossom, sometimes just after a very difficult time, and to be able to guide these beautiful souls to get closer to their own divine that they can inspire others to do the same... "The Ripple Effect"
In this I am grateful to live now, in this fascinating time. A time when many of us have come to live and weave together a new world. Bringing a shield of new energy, new light codes, and limitless possibilities from the divine source. I experience sound, healing and dance as natural gates to my inner self.

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