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Tempelbron news

  • Satya mantra-music (Jolanda Groeneveld) released a beautiful album on June 6, in which Buvana was able to contribute musically to the first song "I bow to you". A beautiful song with deep lyrics... for all those souls now present on earth, who courageously align themselves with the divine source, no matter what...

  • CERTIFICATE AWARD  Buvana: "Wow!!, I unexpected received a certificate award from America for the vocals on the beautiful album by top harpist Christina Tourin "Geopedie, hidden Light". (see button)  So nice to be able to flow together with her! She is a phenomenon, both as a musician, composer and person".                                                                                                           Below are the links to the songs Buvana has sung on. Amathyst of Avalon and Land o'the leal are the songs. Also sung in the opening piece at Icelandic Northern Lights and later in the song at Geopedie. Enjoy listening!

  • "TRIO IN PETTO" WEBSITEYeah, the new website of Trio in Petto is up and running. There you will find the ins and outs about our (family) trio, in which I play together with Pauline and Marius Duurland. A very nice composition, both in terms of repertoire and in terms of instruments and vocals. Below you can listen to some examples. See

  • LOOKING BACK:With a warm heart we look back on the Ashvins concert in Peacefield center in Geel on September 3. What an enormous healing field was palpable there, which was building up every minute. A very special experience. The combination of soma water (holy charged water), prayer and music is very powerful and "sacred". To be repeated.
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